Test Tutorial 2
- Conquer Complexity and Costs in the Contact Center: Realize the potential 186% ROI benefit from an intelligent automation strategy. In this white paper discover research to support the positive economic impact that intelligent RPA creates for enterprises of all sizes.
- Case Study – Digital Transformation Powered by RDA and RPA: Our sophisticated RDA and RPA tools automated more than 200 customer-related processes and helped lower a telecom’s cost to serve by optimizing the completion of tasks in real time.
- Top Customer Service AI and Automation Trends: Technological advances in robotic process automation and robotic desktop automation software, for both customer and employee interactions across web and desktop systems, are accelerating contact center digital transformation.
- Accelerate Digital Transformation by Making Automation Intelligent: Intelligent automation is the crux of activating true differentiation and customer journey management for brands operating in the digital space.
- Contact Center Automation = Good, Fast AND Valuable: Learn how to use intelligent automation platforms, such as RPA and RDA software, to solve the problems facing your customers and your customer service representatives in order to achieve triple digit ROI.